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Dakes Bible Free Download: The Best Way to Study the Word of God

Are you looking for a way to deepen your understanding of the Bible and grow in your faith? Do you want to have access to a wealth of resources that will help you interpret and apply God’s Word in your life? If so, you might want to consider downloading the Dakes Bible for free.

The Dakes Bible is a study Bible that was created by Finis J. Dake, a Pentecostal preacher and Bible scholar. It contains over 35,000 commentary notes, 500,000 cross-references and 9,000 outline headings, covering every aspect of biblical truth. The Dakes Bible is available in the King James Version and the New King James Version, in standard print and large print editions.

But how can you get the Dakes Bible for free? Is there a legal and safe way to download it online without paying anything? In this article, we will show you how to find and download the Dakes Bible for free from official sources that are authorized by Dake Publishing. We will also explain some of the features and benefits of using the Dakes Bible for your personal study and growth.

How to Download the Dakes Bible for Free

There are several options that you can choose from to download the Dakes Bible for free. However, not all of them are reliable or trustworthy. Some of them may contain viruses, malware or spyware that can harm your computer or device. Some of them may also violate the copyright laws and infringe on the rights of the publisher, Dake Publishing.

Therefore, we recommend that you only download the Dakes Bible from official sources that are authorized by Dake Publishing. Here are some of them:

  • Dake Publishing Bookshelf: This is a cloud-based service that allows you to access the Dakes Bible and other books by Finis Dake on your PC, Mac, Apple devices or Android devices. You can purchase one or all of the titles and view them online via the cloud. You can also print, highlight, annotate, copy and paste (except for the Bible), and bookmark the pages. You can visit the bookshelf at https://www.dake.com/bookshelf/.
  • Dake Bible App: This is an app that you can download on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone or tablet, or Kindle device. The app gives you the freedom to have the Dakes Bible wherever you go and access to other books by Finis Dake at your fingertips. The app has the look and feel of reading the Bible like it’s on your desk, with real page turning effect. The app also provides you with easy access to Dake Publishing’s YouTube channel and Facebook page. You can download the app from the Apple store, Android store or Kindle store.
  • Dake PDF Downloads: This is an option that allows you to download PDF files of the Dakes Bible or other books by Finis Dake to any of your devices. You can save them to your iBooks app or any other PDF reader app. Once downloaded, no internet connection is required. You can also print, copy and paste (except for the Bible), and search the PDF files. You can visit the store at https://www.dake.com/store/.

The Features of the Dakes Bible

What makes the Dakes Bible different from other study Bibles? What are some of the features that make it unique and valuable? Here are some of them:

  • It is comprehensive: The Dakes Bible covers every aspect of biblical truth, from doctrine to prophecy, from history to geography, from typology to symbolism. It provides you with a wealth of information that will help you understand and apply God’s Word in your life.
  • It is accurate: The Dakes Bible is based on careful research and sound interpretation of Scripture. It follows the literal method of interpretation, taking into account the context, culture and language of each passage. It also compares Scripture with Scripture, letting the Bible interpret itself.
  • It is practical: The Dakes Bible is not just a collection of facts and opinions. It is also a guide for living a godly life in a sinful world. It gives you practical advice on how to deal with various issues and challenges that you may face as a Christian.
  • It is inspiring: The Dakes Bible is not just a dry academic book. It is also a source of inspiration and encouragement for your spiritual growth. It reveals God’s character, promises and plans for you. It also shows you how to worship God in spirit and in truth.

These are just some of the features of the Dakes Bible. There are many more that you will discover as you read and study it for yourself.

How to Use the Dakes Bible for Your Personal Study

Once you have downloaded the Dakes Bible for free, you may wonder how to use it for your personal study. How can you make the most of the resources that it offers? Here are some tips that can help you:

  • Read the introduction and summary of each book: The Dakes Bible provides you with a brief introduction and summary of each book of the Bible, giving you an overview of its authorship, date, theme, purpose and outline. This will help you to get familiar with the background and context of each book before you read it.
  • Follow the headings and outlines: The Dakes Bible divides the text into nearly 9,000 informative headings, which give you a complete outline of each book and chapter. These headings will help you to follow the flow of thought and argument of each passage, and to identify the main points and subpoints.
  • Consult the commentary notes and cross-references: The Dakes Bible contains over 35,000 commentary notes and 500,000 cross-references, which explain and illuminate every verse of the Bible. These notes and references will help you to understand the meaning and application of each verse, and to compare Scripture with Scripture.
  • Use the dictionary and concordance: The Dakes Bible includes a comprehensive dictionary and concordance, which define and list every word in the Bible. These tools will help you to study the original languages, synonyms, antonyms, word studies and word occurrences of each word in the Bible.
  • Explore the topical studies and prophetic studies: The Dakes Bible offers you a wealth of topical studies and prophetic studies, which cover various subjects and themes in the Bible. These studies will help you to learn more about God’s plan for man, His promises, His covenants, His dispensations, His judgments, His miracles, His parables, His doctrines, His prophecies and more.

These are just some of the tips that can help you to use the Dakes Bible for your personal study. There are many more that you will discover as you explore the Dakes Bible for yourself.

The Advantages of Downloading the Dakes Bible for Free

Why should you download the Dakes Bible for free? What are some of the advantages of doing so? Here are some of them:

  • It is convenient: Downloading the Dakes Bible for free allows you to have it on your computer or device at any time and place. You don’t have to carry a heavy book around or worry about losing or damaging it. You can also access it online or offline, depending on your preference.
  • It is affordable: Downloading the Dakes Bible for free saves you money that you would otherwise spend on buying a physical copy. You can also enjoy other books by Finis Dake for free or at a low cost.
  • It is customizable: Downloading the Dakes Bible for free gives you more options to customize your reading experience. You can adjust the font size, color, brightness and layout according to your liking. You can also print, highlight, annotate, copy and paste (except for the Bible), and bookmark any page that you want.
  • It is compatible: Downloading the Dakes Bible for free makes it compatible with various devices and platforms. You can use it on your PC, Mac, Apple devices or Android devices. You can also use it with different apps and software that support PDF files.

These are just some of the advantages of downloading the Dakes Bible for free. There are many more that you will enjoy as you use the Dakes Bible for your personal study and growth.

What Others Say About the Dakes Bible

The Dakes Bible has been used and appreciated by many Christians for decades. It has received many positive reviews and testimonials from satisfied users. Here are some of them:

  • Michael G. Hamm: \”I bought my first Dake in 1985 and back then it only came in the KJV with ALL black print. I fell in love with this particular bible because it had over 500,000 references in it with a COMPLETE concordance and a summary after EVERY book. This had been about my 6th study-bible and it was so easy to go right to the other verses that backed up the verse you are reading.\”
  • Keyshawn ‘Monarch’ Jones: \”This is a good book. It’s filled with a lot of perspective and contexts based on scripture. It summizes what the author is trying to say and there’s a while body of information for history. The Greek and Hebrew etymology is seen so further semantic context.\”
  • LaToya Madison: \”I love this bible it really helps me understand the scriptures better. The only bad thing is that the print is so small, I should have gotten the larger print. But overall a great buy!!\”
  • Keta02: \”I used to think that a person has to be a seasoned Christian to truly appreciate this Bible. When given to a friend who is a new believers, she absolutely loves it and follow the references just fine. Great buy.\”
  • sharon s: \”This hard bound Dake study Bible is very well made, with easy to read print, very helpful notes for help in understanding scripture. It is written in the faithful KING JAMES version, and is sold at a very low price.\”
  • Debra Davis-Chauncey: \”This Bible is large I admit, four pounds and very thick, similar in thickness to the large print KJV Dake (which weighs over five pounds) but not as wide or tall. The leather soft man made cover, which comes in burgundy or black, leather is not available, is more flexible than the bonded leather on the KJV Dakes. I will have to see how it holds up.\”

These are just some of the reviews and testimonials that show how much people love and appreciate the Dakes Bible. There are many more that you can find online or hear from your friends and family.


The Dakes Bible is a study Bible that offers more resources for personal study than any other Bible. It contains over 35,000 commentary notes, 500,000 cross-references and 9,000 outline headings, written by Finis J. Dake, a Pentecostal preacher and Bible scholar.

If you want to download the Dakes Bible for free, you can do so from official sources that are authorized by Dake Publishing. You can choose from various options such as Dake Publishing Bookshelf, Dake Bible App or Dake PDF Downloads.

By downloading the Dakes Bible for free, you will enjoy many advantages such as convenience, affordability, customizability and compatibility. You will also be able to use the Dakes Bible for your personal study and growth, following its features and tips.

The Dakes Bible has been praised and recommended by many Christians who have used it and benefited from it. It is a valuable tool that will help you to understand and apply God’s Word in your life.

If you want to learn more about the Dakes Bible or order a physical copy, you can visit https://www.dake.com/.

