Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai Song Pk 11

Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai Song PK 11: A Heartfelt Song by Sonu Nigam

If you are looking for a song that expresses the bond of love and friendship, then you might want to listen to “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11. This song is sung by the talented Sonu Nigam and composed by Himesh Reshammiya. It is from the movie “Koi Aap Sa”, which was released in 2005 and starred Aaftab Shivdasani.

What is the meaning of “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai”?

The title of the song translates to “Your heart has an old connection with mine”. The lyrics of the song describe how the singer feels a deep connection with his beloved, and how he wants to share his joys and sorrows with her. He also assures her that he will always be by her side, no matter what. The song is a beautiful expression of loyalty, trust and affection.

What is the history of “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai”?

The song was written by Sameer, who is a famous lyricist in Bollywood. He has penned many hit songs for various movies and singers. The song was composed by Himesh Reshammiya, who is also a well-known music director and singer. He has given many chartbusters and has won several awards for his work. The song was sung by Sonu Nigam, who is one of the most versatile and popular singers in India. He has sung songs in various languages and genres, and has a huge fan following across the world.

How to download “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11 for free?

If you want to download this song for free, you can visit YouTube and search for the song title. You will find many videos of the song, some with lyrics and some with scenes from the movie. You can choose the one you like and click on the download button. Alternatively, you can also use a YouTube downloader app or website to download the song in MP3 format.

What are the best remixes and covers of “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11?

If you are a fan of this song, you might also enjoy listening to some of the remixes and covers that have been made by other artists. Here are some of the best ones that you can find on YouTube:

  • Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai (LYRICS) – Sonu Nigam | Himesh Reshammiya: This video has the lyrics of the song on the screen, so you can sing along with Sonu Nigam. The video also has some scenes from the movie “Koi Aap Sa” that match the mood of the song.
  • Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai (Audio Song) – Sonu Nigam | Himesh Reshammiya: This video has only the audio of the song, without any visuals. You can listen to the song in high quality and enjoy the melody and voice of Sonu Nigam.
  • Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai (Lyrics) | Sonu Nigam: This video has a simple background with the lyrics of the song in Hindi and English. You can read the meaning and translation of the song while listening to it.

How is the fusion reactor going to be used?

The fusion reactor is a device that aims to produce clean and abundant energy by mimicking the process that powers the sun and other stars. Fusion reactors use hydrogen isotopes, such as deuterium and tritium, as fuel and fuse them together to create helium and release energy. Fusion reactors have the potential to provide electricity for millions of homes and industries without emitting greenhouse gases or radioactive waste.

However, fusion reactors are still in the experimental stage and face many technical and scientific challenges. One of the main challenges is to create and sustain the plasma, the state of matter where fusion occurs, at very high temperatures and pressures. Another challenge is to design and build materials and components that can withstand the extreme conditions inside the reactor. Furthermore, fusion reactors need to be safe, reliable and economical to operate.

Several countries and organizations are working on developing fusion reactors, such as ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) in France, which is the world’s largest fusion experiment involving 35 nations. ITER aims to demonstrate that fusion can produce more energy than it consumes and pave the way for future commercial reactors. Other projects include SPARC in the US, DEMO in Europe, CFETR in China and KSTAR in South Korea.

Why “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11 is a classic hit?

“Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11 is a classic hit because of its melodious tune, soulful lyrics and expressive singing. The song has a romantic and emotional appeal that touches the hearts of the listeners. The song also has a nostalgic value, as it reminds the fans of the movie “Koi Aap Sa”, which was a popular romantic drama in 2005.

The song was composed by Himesh Reshammiya, who is known for his catchy and upbeat music. The song was written by Sameer, who is one of the most prolific lyricists in Bollywood. The song was sung by Sonu Nigam, who is one of the most versatile and popular singers in India. The song showcases his vocal range and emotion, as he sings about the deep connection between two lovers.

The song has been appreciated by critics and audiences alike, and has won several awards and nominations. The song has also been featured in various music charts and countdowns, and has been played on radio and TV channels for years. The song has also inspired many remixes and covers by other artists, who have given their own twist to the song.

How to enjoy “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11?

If you are a fan of this song, or if you want to discover its charm, here are some ways to enjoy it:

  • Watch the movie “Koi Aap Sa”: The song is from the movie “Koi Aap Sa”, which is a romantic drama starring Aaftab Shivdasani, Dipannita Sharma and Natassha. The movie is about three friends who fall in love with each other and face various complications. The song is played in the background during some of the emotional scenes, and enhances the mood of the movie.
  • Listen to the song online or offline: You can listen to the song online on various platforms, such as YouTube, Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn and more. You can also download the song in MP3 format and listen to it offline on your device. You can also buy the CD or DVD of the movie soundtrack and enjoy the song along with other songs from the movie.
  • Sing along with the song: You can sing along with the song by following the lyrics on the screen or reading them online. You can also find the karaoke version of the song and sing with the music. You can also record your own cover of the song and share it with your friends or on social media.
  • Dance to the song: You can dance to the song by following the steps of the actors in the movie, or by creating your own choreography. You can also join a dance class or a club that teaches Bollywood dance and learn how to dance to this song and other songs from Bollywood.

What are the benefits of listening to “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11?

Listening to this song can have many benefits for your mental and emotional well-being. Here are some of them:

  • It can make you feel happy and relaxed: This song has a soothing and melodious tune that can calm your nerves and lift your mood. The song can also make you feel nostalgic and remind you of the good times you had with your loved ones. Listening to this song can help you cope with stress and anxiety, and make you feel more positive and optimistic.
  • It can inspire you to love and appreciate your partner: This song has a romantic and emotional appeal that can touch your heart and make you appreciate your partner more. The song can also inspire you to express your feelings and emotions to your partner, and strengthen your bond. Listening to this song can help you improve your relationship and communication with your partner, and make you feel more connected and intimate.
  • It can enhance your creativity and imagination: This song has a poetic and lyrical quality that can stimulate your creativity and imagination. The song can also inspire you to write your own songs, poems or stories, or to create your own art or music. Listening to this song can help you develop your artistic skills and talents, and make you more confident and expressive.
  • It can enrich your knowledge and culture: This song has a cultural and historical value that can enrich your knowledge and culture. The song can also introduce you to the Bollywood industry, which is one of the largest and most influential film industries in the world. Listening to this song can help you learn more about the Indian culture, language, music and cinema, and make you more aware and respectful of the diversity and beauty of the world.

How to share “Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11 with others?

If you love this song and want to share it with others, here are some ways to do it:

  • Send the song as a gift or a message: You can send the song as a gift or a message to your friends or family members who also love this song or who might enjoy it. You can use various platforms, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more, to send the song link or the audio file. You can also add a personal note or a greeting to make it more special.
  • Play the song at a party or an event: You can play the song at a party or an event where you want to create a romantic and emotional atmosphere. You can use a speaker, a laptop, a phone or any other device to play the song. You can also sing along with the song or dance to it with your partner or friends.
  • Recommend the song to others: You can recommend the song to others who might be interested in listening to it or who might benefit from it. You can use various platforms, such as YouTube, Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn and more, to rate and review the song. You can also write a blog post or an article about the song and share it on your website or social media.
  • Create a playlist with the song: You can create a playlist with the song and other songs that are similar or related to it. You can use various platforms, such as YouTube, Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn and more, to create and edit your playlist. You can also share your playlist with others who might enjoy it.


“Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11 is a classic hit that has captivated the hearts of millions of people. The song has a melodious tune, soulful lyrics and expressive singing that make it a timeless masterpiece. The song also has a romantic and emotional appeal that can touch the listeners and make them appreciate their partners more. The song also has a cultural and historical value that can enrich the knowledge and culture of the listeners. The song also has many benefits for the mental and emotional well-being of the listeners, such as making them happy, relaxed, inspired, creative and aware. The song also has many ways to enjoy and share with others, such as watching the movie, listening to the song, singing along with the song, dancing to the song, sending the song as a gift or a message, playing the song at a party or an event, recommending the song to others, creating a playlist with the song and more.

“Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11 is a song that can make you feel the power and beauty of love and friendship. It is a song that can make you feel connected and intimate with your partner. It is a song that can make you feel nostalgic and happy. It is a song that can make you feel more positive and optimistic. It is a song that can make you feel more confident and expressive. It is a song that can make you feel more aware and respectful of the diversity and beauty of the world.

“Tere Dil Ka Mere Dil Se Rishta Purana Hai” song PK 11 is a song that you should listen to at least once in your life. It is a song that you will never forget. It is a song that you will always cherish.

